Tuesday 29 May 2007

Forest Frolics

The boys lurking about in Tollymore Forest on Sunday.

Saturday 26 May 2007

Movie Nights

Bonjour fellow Lurkers, Since no one else has posted yet, I'm going to *yoink* the first full post. Yoinking makes it legal. Anyways, I was thinking that we need some more ideas/themes for Movie Nights for this summer. Perhaps, as Lurkers, we need a night dedicated to the Best Supporting Actors - those actors who somehow manage to steal the limelight from the leading men & ladies. Any suggestions for this? The best example I can think off right the top of my head is Colin Farrell in "Daredevil". Although, that would require watching "Daredevil". Hhmm. Johnny Depp completely steals every scene in Benny and Joon....

What about other themes?

Jack Black Attack? ;-) (High Fidelity, School of Rock, Pick of Destiny, Orange County)
Films So Bad They're Good? (I think there could be a lot of '80s potential here ;-) )

Suggestions of themes, or movies on a postcard to Shiny @ Shinyville. Or just post them here. Whatever's easiest =P

Friday 25 May 2007

Testing 1-2-3

...can anybody hear me?